The Department of Health issues certified copies of vital records (or “certificates”) for births, deaths, stillbirths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces that took place in the state of Washington.

Ordering or correcting a death certificate for the FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Program Official Washington State Certificates If you have ordered through one of these third-party companies and would like to file a consumer complaint, visit the Washington State Attorney General Consumer Protection Division. What about Tracking and Proof of Delivery The Postal Service will attempt to deliver the Certified Mail items two times and record the attempted date and. These companies charge customers high fees to “process” or “help apply” for certificates issued from the Department of Health. Track all of the activities you have already added to your record. Educators will be able to view historical information in their eCert accounts. STEP 1: Log in to your certification portal at and enter your SHRM. Important notice: The Department of Health has received increased number of calls about third-party vendors selling birth, death, divorce, fetal death, marriage, and stillbirth certificates. I want to know more about Fast Track Building Administrator certificates.